Pls test comment here ^_^

Evening Swim

4 comentarios

What better way to end a amazing Friday Night than a late evening swim with fellow blogger and extremely beautiful Ciara Ellisson. Since I joined on with Ocio eXtreme, Ciara and I have talked of blogging together and tonight was the night!  I'm such a lucky guy :)

Skin: Belleza - Jacob
Shape: Mine
Hair: Angel - Adam
Shorts: Connors - Summer Pants

Skin: LAQ - Claudia 2
Bikini: Deetalez - Bikini Blue Patt
Hair: Truth - Sonya

Check out my blog at Pixel Phasion 4 Men
OMG!! Extremely beautiful... you wants to make me blush.. my pleasure bouncer, to colaborate with you. Kisses!
Ciara is amazingly gorgeous, and I would love to blog with her again!
awesome pic.. really

And umm..a request.. can you add the price tags.. to the stuff u are blogging about ? like...if its free..or from mid night mania..and stuff..
That would be much appreciated.. ^^

And..seriously gorgeous pic again...

(PS: I envy you !)
I sure will remember that next time..thanks for the comment